So you want to try enduro racing?

So you want to try enduro racing?
Your first questions are probably how do I get started?  Well this document should provide you with everything you need to know to get on the track for the first time.
First steps are safety and required equipment.
For all Divisions you will need a SNELL rated helmet with an SA2005 rating or newer.  (for more information on helmets and snell ratings and purchasing a helmet see Helmet 101) recommends purchasing the best helmet you can afford … this is not a place to skimp.
You must wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants with socks, and closed toe shoes, boots or sneakers 
However a firesuit is highly recommended (and is required if you have a 5 point harness in the car) they are not expensive (you can find them for under $100) and provide an extra layer of protection incase of fire or liquid or any other hazard that may occur during a race.  Well worth the investment. recommends a firesuit, fireproof  gloves, and fireproof racing shoes
Drivers Window Net … this is not required in all divisions yet but will be soon and is a very good investment for around $20.00 … it is intended to keep your limbs and head inside the car in the case of a collision on the track … HIGHLY recommended no matter what division you decide to run.
5 point harness … also not required by most divisions … but highly recommended by  They don’t have to be new or within the certification date so most drivers try to get a used set from one of the Nascar divisions that have to replace them every 2 years … sometimes the tech dept at the track will have the old belts available.
Cross Bar … not required by all divisions but allowed in all divisions … this is a strong bar that extends from one side of the interior to the other across the car, designed to brace the car incase of a side impact,  usually mounted directly behind the driver’s seat and an ideal mounting point for the 5 point harness.
Transponder – you have to acquire, or borrow your own … there is no rental program for transponders at the track.  A one year subscription for a Mylaps transponder is $159.81 available at  or Oval Speed sells the 2 year subscription.  (see Transponder 101)
Second  … its time to decide what division fits you best.
Currently there are 6 different Enduro divisions:
Gut n Go – the most inexpensive division and easiest to get started in … the rules and work required are minimal and suitable cars are widely available.
4/6 cylinder – very similar to the gut n go division but there are more safety requirements and you are allowed to do a bit more to lighten and improve performance of the car in this division …  drivers in this division generally have more work and money invested in their cars than a gut n go 
8 cylinder enduro – your big 8 cylinder cars old and new … you will see everything from Crown Victorias to station wagons in this division … these are your big rear wheel drive American steel cars … minimal safety requirements … good place to start if you like the big rwd cars 
Grand Enduro – again big 8 cylinder rwd cars … but this division requires a 6 point roll cage and runs Hoosier slicks … don’t let the name fool you these are racecars … closest thing to a Saturday night division in the enduro classes 
Truck Enduro – this division is for small 2wd trucks … max width of 70 inches 
Mini 8 – this is a inexpensive figure 8 division … current rules are similar to the gut n go division but more safety options are allowed (although not required) – this division only runs on the figure 8 course.
If you have never raced before highly recommends the Gut n Go class or 8 Cylinder class.  These 2 classes have the lowest initial investment and both have the ability to grow into the next class up with just a bit more work into the car.
Third … Raceday Checklist 
Make sure you have all your safety gear … helmet firesuit etc…
Make sure your transponder is fully charged  and with you 
Gas in the car
spare tire
cooler (full of non-alcoholic beverages of course) 
For a Saturday evening race registration is between 3 pm and 5 pm at the track … if your car isn’t registered by 5 pm you won’t be allowed to race … so get there early or have a friend register for you.
Once you get to the track you first need to go to the pit window and register yourself and the car, and get your bracelet.
Then you must stop by the handicapper shack and give them your name and transponder number… this is important as if it’s not done correctly you will not be scored when on the track.
While at the handicappers shack Highly recommends getting welding insurance.  For the nominal fee of $10 the insurance allows you to use the onsite welder’s services to do what’s needed on your car for the day.   Many times tech will require a hole in the hood or something else cut or welded and this insurance covers all that for the day.
Finally find a pit stall and get unloaded.  Make sure you get to the drivers meeting on time as that’s the place to ask any questions you may have or find out new information specific to that event.   Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the other enduro guys/gals there a friendly bunch and can usually answer lots of your questions or point you in the right direction.
But most of all have fun … because in the end that’s what it’s really all about.